Within Panama City, you will find internet coverage everywhere with one of the four major service providers. But as soon as you leave the city, you will encounter a lot of internet "dead" zones.
The four major internet providers for mobile services are +Movil, Claro, Digicel, and Movistar. Whereas in a lot of first-world countries providers share certain internet masts, this isn't the case in Panama. The most coverage can be found within Panama City with any of these four major providers. However, it starts to differ per region when looking at the countryside. In this article we highlight:
These recommendations are based on personal experiences + the coverage map from nperf.
+Movil provides the best internet coverage for your mobile across Panama. Every major city such as Panama City, Colon, Coronado, Santiago, and David has 4G+ internet connection. +Movil also scores best when looking at smaller cities such as Las Tablas, Pedasi, Cambutal, and Boquete. Overall you will find internet along the entire Pan-American highway in Panama with +Movil.
Pricing +Movil: +Movil offers monthly plans from $20.00 / month for unlimited internet, 100 SMS, 500 minutes + a free Nokia 225 phone. Read more on the website of +Movil.
Claro and Movistar (Tigo) are your best alternatives if you for some reason don't want to use +Movil. Movistar offers faster internet all along the PanAmerican Highway in Panama and some of the mountain areas. Claro is one of the best-known providers, however, doesn't provide you with the more solid internet speed and connection as +Movil does.
The worst provider is Digicel. Other than in Panama City up to Penenome, Colon, Santiago, David, and Boquete you will not find a stable connection. Not even 2G. We definitely wouldn't recommend Digicel anywhere outside of the major cities, unless you prefer to not be reachable.
+Movil provides you with the best internet speed and the most coverage throughout the country. Claro and Movistar are solid alternatives, but you will encounter dead zones outside of the major cities. Digicel is a no-go from our perspective.